Sie suchten nach: Serologische Pipetten

Reusable glass or disposable polystyrene serological pipettes aspirate and release millilitre liquid amounts using the blow-out method. The narrow tube construction is transparent and may come with or without calibrated graduations in various scales for accurate meniscus measurements. These volumetric transfer instruments come sterile for aseptic cell culturing procedures. Choose between non-plugged or cotton plug options to prevent overfilling. Color-coded for correct size identification, serological pipettes are available in different lengths and capacities.

Reusable glass or disposable polystyrene serological pipettes aspirate and release millilitre liquid amounts using the blow-out method. The narrow tube construction is transparent and may come with or without calibrated graduations in various scales for accurate meniscus measurements. These volumetric transfer instruments come sterile for aseptic cell culturing procedures. Choose between non-plugged or cotton plug options to prevent overfilling. Color-coded for correct size identification, serological pipettes are available in different lengths and capacities.

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Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: PS, transparent, graduiert, unsteril oder steril. Diese Einmalpipetten für den Flüssigkeitstransfer sind aus GPPS (Allzweck-Polystyrol) gefertigt und ...
Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: PS, transparent, graduated, non sterile or sterile. These disposable pipettes for liquid transfers are made of GPPS (general polystyrene), in complian...
Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: 100% hochgradig klares Polystyrol, graduiert, steril.
Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Pipettes are individually packed in plastic/plastic and then put in double-bags.

Zertifikate Sale!

Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: PS, transparent, graduated, sterile. These disposable pipettes for liquid transfers are made of GPPS (general polystyrene) with PO (Polyolefin) filter...
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: The pipette graduation alignment system is a fast and simple way to bring graduations to your line of sight. Polystyrene, disposable pipettes for tiss...
Lieferant: DWK Life Sciences
Beschreibung: WHEATON® serological pipettes provide the performance required to succeed at every stage of cell culture and general life science research.
Lieferant: Brand
Beschreibung: AR-Glas®.


Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: The pipettes graduation alignment system is a fast and simple way to bring graduations to your line of sight. Polystyrene, disposable pipettes for tis...
Beschreibung: Measuring pipettes made of AR-Glas®, class B.

Lieferant: Corning

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Stringent quality specifications, and convenient features make Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Serological pipettes a great choice for daily lab work. Bold, ...

Umweltschonende Herstellung

Lieferant: Sterilin
Beschreibung: Pyrex® borosilicate glass, disposable.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, steril.
Lieferant: Sterilin
Beschreibung: PS, zum Einmalgebrauch, steril.
Artikel-Nr: (CORN7374)
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Sterile serological pipettes made of PS.
VE: 1 * 200 ST


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