The CCD Caliens camera is designed with an optical head directly interfaced with a PC computer through USB port. It can sample and operate luminous pictures with a complete and easy-to-use software.
- Sensor composed of 2048 pixels, 14 µm width (for about 30 mm)
- Optical head, fitted out with stainless steel rod, Ø 10 mm, can be adapted to optical bench
Suitable for experiments like Fresnel's biprism, Gaussian beams, sodium doublets, source coherence and filter spectral width.
Spectrometry by Fourier's transforms with Michelson interferometer: When carrying out the FFT of an oscillogram, the resulting spectrum is often noise-spoilt. To reduce these diverse disturbance effects, it is sufficient to add in the Michelson’s apparatus, one laser source (with separator), which is used as a reference. In taking the FFT option, the camera can record simultaneously two signals (laser + source) & the program will be provided with one time base correction algorithm.