Kieselgel, weiß, kleine, porige Perlen 2,5 - 4 mm

Lieferant: VWR Chemicals

27612.292EA 52.4 EUR
Kieselgel, weiß, kleine, porige Perlen 2,5 - 4 mm
Silica gel

Glassy, hard beads with an internal surface of approx. 800 m²/g. Because of its very large surface area, our beads exhibit a high adsorption capacity for water vapour. The beads can be reactivated without significantly reducing adsorption efficiency.

  • Very economical
  • Easy to dispose of
  • Without any known adverse effects on the environment

Formel: SiO₂
Molecular Weight: 60.08 g/mol
Siedepunkt: 2230 °C (1013 hPa) (Lit.)
Schmelzpunkt: > 1600 °C (Lit.)
Lagertemperatur: Raumtemperatur
MDL: MFCD00011232
CAS-Nummer: 7631-86-9


Spezifikation Testergebnisse

Bulk density 680 - 780 g/L
Adsorption capacity (H₂O; 23 °C; 80% RH) Min. 21,5%
Moisture (loss on drying (140 °C) Max. 2,0%

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