Carbon LC columns, Supel™, Supelco®

Lieferant: Merck
59994-U 59981-U 59991-U 59982-U 59984-U 59986-U 59987-U 59988-U 59989-U 59993-U 59995-U 59996-U 59997-U 59998-U
59994-UEA 2390 EUR
59994-U 59981-U 59991-U 59982-U 59984-U 59986-U 59987-U 59988-U 59989-U 59993-U 59995-U 59996-U 59997-U 59998-U
Carbon LC columns, Supel™, Supelco®
Porous Graphitic Carbon (PGC) particle packed column for separating poorly retained, polar compounds.

  • High column efficiency for polar compounds
  • Temperature stabile up to 250 °C

Supel™ Carbon LC particles offer a unique retention mechanism that can retain polar compounds under reversed-phase conditions. This same retention mechanism can also lead to resolution of geometric isomers of compounds.

The use of a Supel™ Carbon LC 2,7 µm guard cartridge is recommended for the protection of your HPLC columns.

Bestellinformation: Each package includes the related HPLC column as well as a test chromatogram. Guard cartridge kits include the appropriate Supel™ Carbon LC 2,7 µm guard cartrige as well as the necessary holder. A pack of three replacement guard cartriges are available as well.

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