VWR® PerfectBlue Maxi M 'Revolution', Gel system

Lieferant: VWR Collection
700-0909EA 1810 EUR
VWR® PerfectBlue Maxi M 'Revolution', Gel system
Elektrophorese-Systeme Horizontale Gelelektrophoresesysteme
Based on the Maxi M model, the Maxi M 'Revolution' offers a built-in buffer circulation system, powered by the system’s electrodes. At the cathode, hydrogen bubbles are produced and pass up a diagonally positioned pipe connected to the two sides of the tank to produce a gentle and continual circulation of the buffer. The system nulls any pH and ionic gradient – without the fuss of mechanical pumps. The system offers 6 comb positions enabling the gel to be partitioned into 2, 3 or 4 areas. In addition, the system can accommodate any of the 23 standard and microtitre comb designs described for the Maxi M model.

*Basierend auf einem Agarosegel mit einer Dicke von ungefähr 5 mm.

Bestellinformation: Wird mit 3 Kämmen (16,24, 36 Zähne, 1,5 mm dick), Deckel, Gelträger, 3-Punkt-Nivellierungssystem, Abschlusswänden "End gates" , Kammer und Stromkabeln geliefert.

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