Filter plates, 24-well, AcroPrep™

Lieferant: Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
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Filter plates, 24-well, AcroPrep™
Mikrotiterplatten Mikrofiltrationsplatten
The Acroprep 24-well filter plate utilises Pall’s proprietary high performance multi-layer filter media and membranes to offer time savings, strong performance claims and streamlined workflow improvements in a 24-well plate format.

  • Intrinsic Acroprep plate and membrane properties minimise sample loss from non specific binding
  • Dual-layer clarification plate contains a depth filter plus 0,65/0,2 μm Supor EKV PES membrane, and allows clarification of large cellular debris prior to filtration through the 0,65/0,2 μm EKV Supor membrane
  • Dual-layer clarification
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