behrosog 3 neutraliser

Lieferant: BEHR
BEHRB00217925EA 3510 EUR
behrosog 3 neutraliser
Aufschlusssysteme Aufschluss-Systeme
The two-level behrosog process extraction system (neutraliser) – pre-separator plus safety level – keeps all acid vapours entirely away from the environment.

  • Efficient operating costs
  • Infinitely regulated extraction through-flow
  • Both cleaning levels (condensation and neutralisation level) prevent the emission of toxic substances into the environment

Compact process extraction system for extracting and neutralising aggressive acid vapours, especially from the Kjeldahl digestion for nitrogen determination. An upstream two-level pre-separator washes the toxic substance out. The process extraction system is equipped with a vacuum pump 40 L/min. There is no need for a connection to a water supply.

Optionally, the additional cooling system ACS for behrosog 3, consisting of stand, bottle and cooler, can be connected to the system.

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