GenSwab™ for Collection and Preservation of Biological Samples

Lieferant: Ahlstrom-Munksjö
GenSwab™ for Collection and Preservation of Biological Samples
Klinisches Diagnosezubehör Klinische Probenentnahme und Probenvorbereitung Sammlung und Vorbereitung biologischer Proben
GenSwab™ specifically designed for easy collection and long-term preservation of buccal samples to achieve high recovery of DNA and high-quality genetic profiles.

  • Environmentally friendly paper-based design
  • Automated design compatible with automated DBS equipment
  • Complete protection of samples during transport

GenSwab™ allows easy collection and long-term preservation of buccal samples at ambient temperature, safeguarding their quality over time for downstream processing and improving sample traceability with multiple barcodes.

Standards: The device is manufactured in compliance with the ISO 18385:2016 standard.

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