Human Uterine smooth muscle cells (HUtSMC)
Lieferant: PROMOCELL
Primary Human Uterine Smooth Muscle Cells (HUtSMC) are isolated from the myometrium (the middle layer of the uterine wall) and stain positive for smooth muscle α-actin. During pregnancy, hormones and growth factors cause an extensive hypertrophy of uterine smooth muscle cells. This and other morphological and biochemical effects on the uterus can be studied in vitro using HUtSMC.
Applications include: Organ specific drug testing, cell-extracellular matrix interaction studies, physiological and biochemical studies, oncology, pathological studies (e.g. hypertension).
Bestellinformation: Human Uterine Smooth Muscle Cells can be ordered as cryopreserved or proliferating cells. Cell pellets stored in RNAlater® are also available.
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