Jenway® 6850 Double-Beam Spectrophotometer with Variable Bandwidth

Lieferant: Cole-Parmer
JENW83070-06EA 12810 EUR
Jenway® 6850 Double-Beam Spectrophotometer with Variable Bandwidth
Spektrophotometer und Photometer UV/Vis-Spektralphotometer
Simple solution for laboratories requiring compliance.

  • Variable spectral bandwidths provide flexibility in your qualitive and quantitive analysis
  • Conforms to European Pharmacopeia requirements
  • Selectable scan intervals of 0,1, 0,2, 1, 2 or 5 nm
  • Highly stable optics provide superior accuracy
  • Prism PC software is included providing unlimited unlimited number of methods capabilities
  • Extensive range of accessories available

This Jenway® 6850 double-beam, scanning, UV/Visible spectrophotometer with highly stable optics and two detectors measure your samples and reference simultaneously providing superior measurement accuracy. A variety of programmed measurement modes for photometrics, concentration, multi-wavelength, spectrum scanning, kinetics, quantitation, and DNA and protein analysis makes it ideal for various applications.

The variable spectral bandwidth provides robust detection and quantitation limits, as well as optimal data precision and repeatability. The flexible platform helps comply with multiple regulatory agencies using one spectrophotometer-saving money and time. The large sample chamber is outfitted with a 10×10 mm cuvette holder.

The integrated user interface provides local controls with the touch of a keypad. The easy-to-read color graphical display shows spectrum as well as kinetic curves. Use the included Prism PC software to fully control the spectrophotometer and for post-measurement analysis. Software comes pre-loaded with methods for DNA analysis, including 260/280 and 260/230 ratios with 320 nm correction. Measure up to 20 wavelengths simultaneously and create quantitation curves by measuring up to 200 standards.

Lieferumfang: Includes 10×10 mm cuvette holder, four 10 mm glass cuvettes, two 10 mm quartz cuvettes, dust cover, and PC software with USB security dongle.

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