Heating circulators, CORIO™ CP

Lieferant: JULABO GmbH
9013512 9013526 9013504 9013506
JULA9013512EA 3264 EUR
JULA9013512 JULA9013526 461-1458 JULA9013506
Heating circulators, CORIO™ CP
Umwälzthermostate Geschlossene Umwälzsysteme Wärmeumwälzthermostate
The powerful and robust CORIO™ laboratory circulators provide the exact temperature, absolute precision, and a wide working temperature range. The CORIO™ CP model is an advanced unit with professional technology for demanding applications and can be used for temperature control of internal or external applications due to the powerful and infinitely adjustable pressure pump. The jet nozzle allows continuous adjustment of the pump stream in the system. These heating circulators are optimised for external temperature applications in combination with jacketed reactors, distillation apparatus,More Product Information


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