RNA 3' End desthiobiotinylation kit

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific

PIER20163EA 888 EUR
RNA 3' End desthiobiotinylation kit
Proteinkonjugate und Markierungen

Pierce™ RNA 3' End Desthiobiotinylation Kit contains reagents for easy and efficient desthiobiotin labeling of RNA for use as probes or as antibody alternatives for enrichment of RNA binding proteins.

  • A single biotin labels has similar detection sensitivity as radioactivity
  • Results in minimal disturbance of RNA secondary structure
  • Desthiobiotin label may be used for detection or as an affinity handle for streptavidin resin

Pierce™ RNA 3' End Desthiobiotinylation Kit is optimised for labeling the 3'-end of single-stranded RNA using T4 RNA ligase. Once labeled, the RNA can be used as a probe or target for gel-shift EMSA reactions, Northern blots and protein-RNA interaction experiments. The desthiobiotinylated RNA also can be used to enrich for RNA binding proteins (RBP) using streptavidin affinity resin.

Lieferumfang: Kit includes desthiobiotinylated cytidine bisphosphate (40 µl), T4 RNA ligase (40 µl), T4 RNA ligase reaction buffer,10X (100 µl), non-labeled RNA control (100 µl), biotinylated IRE RNA control (35 µl), RNase inhibitor (2×10 µl), DMSO (200 µl), PEG 30% (300 µl), glycogen (20 µl) and nuclease-free water (1,5 ml).


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