HA-Tag IP/Co-IP kit, Pierce™

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific

PIER26180EA 684 EUR
HA-Tag IP/Co-IP kit, Pierce™
Protein-Aufbereitungs Protein Purification Kits

Pierce™ HA-Tag IP/Co-IP kit provides the affinity resin, positive control and other reagents necessary to perform immunoprecipitation (IP) or co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) reactions with an HA-tagged bait protein.

  • Highly specific anti-HA monoclonal antibody provides high-yield immunoprecipitation products
  • The kit and anti-HA agarose are compatible with various cell lysates and physiologic buffer systems

This kit is based on crosslinked beaded agarose to which a highly specific anti-HA antibody is covalently immobilised. The ready-to-use affinity resin, together with the included buffers, microcentrifuge spin columns, positive control, and easy-to-follow instructions, constitute a complete set of reagents sufficient for 25 for IP or Co-IP assays.

Lieferumfang: Kit includes Anti-HA agarose, 0,25 ml; HA-tagged positive control, 0,5 ml; BupH Tris buffered saline pack, 500 ml; Lane Marker Non-reducing Sample Buffer (5X), 5 ml; spin columns accessory pack, 27 columns; and collection tubes and caps accessory pack, 100 tubes.


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