Monomeric avidin resin, UltraLink™, Pierce™

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific

PIER53146EA 698 EUR
Monomeric avidin resin, UltraLink™, Pierce™
Protein-Aufbereitungs Protein Purification Resins

UltraLink™ Monomeric Avidin resin is ideal for affinity purification of biotinylated proteins, peptides and other molecules. Immobilisation of avidin monomers results in a purification resin with a much lower biotin-binding affinity than native tetrameric avidin, enabling recovery of biotinylated molecules using mild elution conditions.

  • Non-denaturing purifies biotinylated products using mild elution conditions (2 mM free biotin)
  • Reusable at least 10 times, with marginal loss in biotin binding capacity (approximately 2,5% decrease per regeneration)
  • Retains biotin-binding specificity and low non specific binding of native avidin
  • Binding capacity is >1,2 mg biotinylated BSA/ml resin


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