The WZA-NC series provide a readability of 1/10 µg for the weighing capacity of 20/240 g. The weighing system
as well the electronic are designed for space sensitive applications in stainless steel housings.
- Load receptor with overload protection
- Force compensation technology system with a resolution of 1/10 µg
- Superb electronics for 24 Mio. step resolution
- Internal calibration weight for easy checks in automated environments
- Possibility for under floor weighing
- Fast warm-up by separation of weighing system and electronics
- USB|RS232C interface for configuration and data transfer
The weigh cell consist of two parts:
A monolithic weighing system in stainless steel IP44 housing.
Stainless steel electronic box, all connection via the front.
Features optional PC-software with menu setting, weigh data display and internal calibration functions
Applications can be found in weighing of samples in automated system, manual pipette calibration and in automated liquid control, e.g. LCD productions.