Immunoperoxidase systems, VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit (Standard)

Lieferant: Vector Laboratories

Immunoperoxidase systems, VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit (Standard)
Proteinkonjugate und Markierungen

The VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC kit is supplied without biotinylated secondary antibodies or blocking serum. The 'Standard' kit consists of Elite® A and B reagents, which can be used with any biotinylated primary or secondary antibody, biotinylated nucleic acid probe or other biotinylated molecule.

  • Suitable for use on frozen or paraffin-embedded tissues, cell smears, or cytospin preparations
  • Offers low background and amplified signal compared to conventional covalent conjugates
  • Stock solutions packaged in convenient dropper bottles and each kit includes mixing bottles to prepare the working solutions
  • Detailed instructions for use included

Bestellinformation: Each kit contains sufficient reagents to prepare 110 ml of each working solution (500 to 1000 sections).


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