Sie suchten nach: Antibiotika-Tests

Antibiotic tests are used for determining the type of infectious diseases causal agent and for checking their sensitivity to antibiotics or chemotherapeutic agents in vitro. Paper disk models are used for antimicrobial susceptibility testing and compatible with a number of disk dispensers. Liquid models are delivered in vials containing specific agglutinins. Reference antisera for use in viral hemagglutination inhibition test procedures are available with some products.

Antibiotic tests are used for determining the type of infectious diseases causal agent and for checking their sensitivity to antibiotics or chemotherapeutic agents in vitro. Paper disk models are used for antimicrobial susceptibility testing and compatible with a number of disk dispensers. Liquid models are delivered in vials containing specific agglutinins. Reference antisera for use in viral hemagglutination inhibition test procedures are available with some products.

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Artikel-Nr: (1.10649.0001)
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Bacillus subtilis (BGA) Sporen-Suspension wird mit dem Nährmedientest-Agar (pH 6,0) für den Hemmstofftest, Best.-Nr. 1.10663.0500, und Test-Agar ...
VE: 1 * 15 Ampull

Beschreibung: Manually determine the antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms using Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) methods in conjunction with reliab...

Beschreibung: Used as a screening test prior to serological grouping.

Lieferant: LIOFILCHEM S.R.L.
Beschreibung: Multodisc with eight antimicrobial agents on a ring.

Lieferant: LIOFILCHEM S.R.L.
Beschreibung: Antibiotische Tests, Econazol Ecn 10 µg

Beschreibung: 25 discs/vial.

Beschreibung: Place antimicrobial susceptibility disks onto your media of choice when carrying out manual antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods using a self-...

Lieferant: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Zur Bestimmung des Erregertyps von Infektionskrankheiten und zur In-vitro-Prüfung ihrer Reaktion auf Antibiotika und chemotherapeutische Substa...
Beschreibung: These products are used in testing the resistance of pathogens to antibiotics. For this test the filter paper sections can be impregnated with the ant...
Lieferant: PRAT DUMAS
Beschreibung: For determining antibiotic suited to the treatment of an infection and for checking their sensitivity to antibiotics by means of the inhibition zone d...

Beschreibung: Antibiotic Tests, Penicillin

Artikel-Nr: (PANBP06-07100)
Beschreibung: Antibiotic Tests, Penicillin/Streptomycin
VE: 1 * 100 mL


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