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The full-body harness is an important component of personal fall arrest systems. Keeping workers suspended upright in the event of a fall, the individuals will remain supported until rescue arrives. Since body belts concentrate all the falling force on the abdomen and are therefore prohibited by most regulations, full-body harnesses are highly preferred. With these devices, the force is distributed throughout the body, reducing the chances of injury. Stretchable webbing provides greater comfort and improved safety.

The full-body harness is an important component of personal fall arrest systems. Keeping workers suspended upright in the event of a fall, the individuals will remain supported until rescue arrives. Since body belts concentrate all the falling force on the abdomen and are therefore prohibited by most regulations, full-body harnesses are highly preferred. With these devices, the force is distributed throughout the body, reducing the chances of injury. Stretchable webbing provides greater comfort and improved safety.

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Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: 3M DBI-SALA ExoFit XE200 harness with rescue loops, automatic buckles, two sizes. X-shaped chest straps with central D-ring attachment point optimised position on the body. Revolver adjuster for the torso length for a quick, secure and comfortable fit of the harness.

Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: The Protecta® Comfort Belt Style Fall Arrest Harness is designed to provide reliable protection, comfort, and convenience. It now features upgraded features and a sleek, modern look.

Artikel-Nr: (MMMAAM450/80)
Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: The Protecta® Nylon Webbing Sling Anchor features four safety seams, and measures 80 cm in length.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: 3M
Beschreibung: Cross chest buckle assembly for central front fall arrest attachment point - optimised position on body. Revolving torso adjusters (patented) for quick and easy harness fit and adjustment. Auto-locking quick connect buckles secure contact with webbing, reducing the need to readjust.

Artikel-Nr: (PRTWFP13RER)
Lieferant: Portwest
Beschreibung: Fall Protection is put in place to prevent the risks associated with falling from heights, reducing impact force, restricting obstacle/ground collision and restricting users from fall hazard areas.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (PRTWFP14RER)
Lieferant: Portwest
Beschreibung: Fall Protection is put in place to prevent the risks associated with falling from heights, reducing impact force, restricting obstacle/ground collision and restricting users from fall hazard areas.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (PRTWFP11RER)
Lieferant: Portwest
Beschreibung: Fall Protection is put in place to prevent the risks associated with falling from heights, reducing impact force, restricting obstacle/ground collision and restricting users from fall hazard areas.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (PRTWFP18RER)
Lieferant: Portwest
Beschreibung: Fall Protection is put in place to prevent the risks associated with falling from heights, reducing impact force, restricting obstacle/ground collision and restricting users from fall hazard areas.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (PRTWFP10RER)
Lieferant: Portwest
Beschreibung: Fall Protection is put in place to prevent the risks associated with falling from heights, reducing impact force, restricting obstacle/ground collision and restricting users from fall hazard areas.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (PRTWFP12RER)
Lieferant: Portwest
Beschreibung: Fall Protection is put in place to prevent the risks associated with falling from heights, reducing impact force, restricting obstacle/ground collision and restricting users from fall hazard areas.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: Protecta® Standard-Ganzkörper-Auffanggurt ist ein Auffanggurt mit verbesserten Eigenschaften und einem schlanken, modernen Look. Sein wasser- und schmutzresistentes Gurtmaterial hält das Sicherheitsgeschirr sauber und trocken, und die geschützten Etiketten bleiben zur einfachen und schnellen Inspektion dauerhaft lesbar.

Beschreibung: Protecta® fall arrest harness accessory options provide the opportunity to add extra tool carrying convenience and comfort to a harness.

Beschreibung: Diese 4-Punkt-Auffanggurte sind mit DualTech-Gurtbändern, einem drehbaren Gurt zur Arbeitspositionierung, Automatikverschlüssen und einem ErgoArmor™ Komfort-Rückenpolster ausgestattet. Sie eignen sich ideal für den Einsatz bei Windenergieanlagen sowie im Hochbau.

Beschreibung: 2-Punkt-Auffanggurt mit zwei Gurtbandschlaufen vorne und Automatikverschlüssen an Brustgurt und Beinschlaufen. Die Miller H-Design® Auffanggurte sind Auffanggurte der neuen Generation, die speziell dafür entwickelt wurden, Arbeitern im Bauwesen und in der Industrie mehr Komfort, Bewegungsfreiheit und Sicherheit zu bieten.

Beschreibung: Auffanggurt mit zwei Gurtbandschlaufen auf Brusthöhe und automatischen Verschlüssen an Brustgurt und Beinschlaufen sowie elastischen DuraFlex-Gurtbändern. Der Miller H-Design® Ganzkörperauffanggurt, der speziell für die Sektoren Elektrizitätsversorgung, Telekommunikation und Industrie (Wartung) entwickelt wurde, bietet dank seines vertikal anpassbaren Gurts und seines atmungsaktiven Polsters mehr Komfort, Bewegungsfreiheit und Sicherheit.

Artikel-Nr: (113-1250)
Beschreibung: This detachable climbers seat offers a comfortable supported position for the operator during prolonged periods suspended at height. It is made from marine ply covered with closed cell foam and abrasion resistant PVC coated nylon.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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