Sie suchten nach: Defibrillatoren

VWR offers defibrillators for the treatment of heart  arrhythmias during cardiac emergencies. Automated external defibrillators allow untrained individuals to treat victims and save lives. Brightly coloured and lightweight, the machine features voice prompts and step by step instructions that clearly delineate proper use. Display monitors and progress lights guide the user, and data from the AED is automatically recorded and can be easily retrieved. Battery pack and defibrillation pads included; accessories and replacements may also be purchased.

VWR offers defibrillators for the treatment of heart arrhythmias during cardiac emergencies. Automated external defibrillators allow untrained individuals to treat victims and save lives. Brightly coloured and lightweight, the machine features voice prompts and step by step instructions that clearly delineate proper use. Display monitors and progress lights guide the user, and data from the AED is automatically recorded and can be easily retrieved. Battery pack and defibrillation pads included; accessories and replacements may also be purchased.

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Artikel-Nr: (SAFIFAS15)
Beschreibung: The HypaGuard Defibrillator Station provides you with everything you need in a situation requiring CPR or a defibrillator. It comes supplied with the Schiller FRED PA-1 AED, a wall bracket and a laminated poster with a clear header and guidance on how to use the AED and deliver CPR.
VE: 1 * 1 m

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Artikel-Nr: (SAFIK3046)
Beschreibung: The Schiller FRED PA-1 automatic defibrillator bundle is the ideal solution to ensure your AED is visible and easily-accessible in your workplace, school, or public space.
VE: 1 * 1 m

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Artikel-Nr: (SAFIK3047)
Beschreibung: The Schiller FRED PA-1 automatic defibrillator bundle is the ideal solution to ensure your AED is visible and easily accessible in your workplace, school, or public space.
VE: 1 * 1 m

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Artikel-Nr: (SAFIA870)
Beschreibung: The FRED PA-1 automated external defibrillator from Schiller has been designed with simplicity at its core, empowering anybody, whether they have had first aid training or not, to be a lifesaver.
VE: 1 * 1 m

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