Sie suchten nach: Elektrophorese-Färbemittel

Ready-to-use electrophoresis buffers, gels, and powder stains quickly sort sample molecules based on size and charge. These reagents generate less background fluorescence that can negatively impact visual studies. To achieve the necessary chemical reaction, select the type of stain based on environmental conditions and experiment goals. From commonly used Coomassie Brilliant Blue to the specific cancer researching Papanicolaou, sensitive electrophoresis stains detect and make cell components visible for further DNA and RNA analyses.

Ready-to-use electrophoresis buffers, gels, and powder stains quickly sort sample molecules based on size and charge. These reagents generate less background fluorescence that can negatively impact visual studies. To achieve the necessary chemical reaction, select the type of stain based on environmental conditions and experiment goals. From commonly used Coomassie Brilliant Blue to the specific cancer researching Papanicolaou, sensitive electrophoresis stains detect and make cell components visible for further DNA and RNA analyses.

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Lieferant: Genscript
Beschreibung: eStain is a highly efficient protein PAGE gel staining system, which uses Coomassie Brilliant Blue and a patented protein staining technology developed by Genscript. eStain staining system integrates the traditional three steps of fixing-staining-destaining into one and can stain/destain two protein PAGE gels simultaneously in 10 minutes or less.

Artikel-Nr: (EDVO608)
Lieferant: EDVOTEK
Beschreibung: SYBR® Safe Stain is a DNA stain that fluoresces with a bright green colour when excited with UV light. Like ethidium bromide, SYBR® Safe Stain binds specifically to the DNA double helix.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (RPN5661)
Lieferant: Cytiva
Beschreibung: CyDye™ Post-labelling reactive dye pack for the generation of highly fluorescent Cy3- and Cy5-labelled probes.
VE: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (STMC79018)
Lieferant: STEMCELL Technologies
Beschreibung: Ready-to-use marker dye for loading DNA samples into agarose gel wells and tracking migration during electrophoresis.
VE: 1 * 1 mL

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

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