Sie suchten nach: Gasbeutel

Designed for sampling high-level VOCs as well as light and permanent gases, the gas bags feature valves with a hose connection for attaching tubing. Low-bleed assembly inside the valves prevents sample contamination from the septum. With chemical inertness and resistance to abrasion, the correct film type will meet procedure needs. The gas bags meet a variety of sampling applications including stationary sources emissions, workplace atmospheres, indoor air quality, and breath analysis.

Designed for sampling high-level VOCs as well as light and permanent gases, the gas bags feature valves with a hose connection for attaching tubing. Low-bleed assembly inside the valves prevents sample contamination from the septum. With chemical inertness and resistance to abrasion, the correct film type will meet procedure needs. The gas bags meet a variety of sampling applications including stationary sources emissions, workplace atmospheres, indoor air quality, and breath analysis.

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Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: These screw cap valve (SCV) bags are suitable for calibration mixes - gas phase standards/gas mixtures.

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: The unique valve and seam-sealing process ensure that these bags are sturdy and virtually leak-proof, even under the most demanding sampling and shipp...

Lieferant: Saint Gobain Life Sciences
Beschreibung: Diese flexiblen, robusten Beutel aus 125 μm dicker FEP Fluorpolymerfolie, sind an allen vier Seiten hitzeverschweißt für vollständige Chemikalienbestä...

Lieferant: Saint Gobain Life Sciences
Beschreibung: Rubber sampling bags for gas with tube and ebonit tap.

Artikel-Nr: (300-0280)
Lieferant: Saint Gobain Life Sciences
Beschreibung: Aus PVF-Fluorpolymerfolie mit einer Dicke von 2 mil. Wenn die chemische Reaktionsträgheit von FEP nicht erforderlich ist, sind hitzeverschweißte Chemw...
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: Naturkautschuk, transparent (Orsatblase) bzw. PVC, weich, rotbraun (Gebläseball)

Beschreibung: Rote Ballons aus Naturkautschuklatex, geeignet für Rotationsverdampfer zum Mischen oder Sammeln von Gasen und zum Regeln von Luft- oder Gasströmen an ...

Artikel-Nr: (VARI99636003)
Lieferant: VARIAN
Beschreibung: Gas sampling bags in Tedlar.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Restek
Beschreibung: Sampling bags are cost-effective air sampling device for high level VOC and permanent gases. It features a PP combo valve with hose connection to fit ...

Lieferant: Restek
Beschreibung: Gas sampling bags are whole air sampling devices useful for monitoring part-per million (ppm) levels of most volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Unlike...

Lieferant: Restek
Beschreibung: These sampling bags are a low-cost, whole-air sampling device for high-level VOCs and permanent gases. Made of polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) polymer resin ...

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