Sie suchten nach: Infusionsflaschen

Glass infusion bottles store required materials for intravenous and intravascular infusion applications such as parenteral feeding and blood derivatives. Uniformly moulded, the vessels safely contain volatile materials and perform well in a variety of conditions. The infusion bottles provide a robust, long-lasting term of service storing liquids. Simplify a number of procedures through the use of a single glass infusion bottle.

Glass infusion bottles store required materials for intravenous and intravascular infusion applications such as parenteral feeding and blood derivatives. Uniformly moulded, the vessels safely contain volatile materials and perform well in a variety of conditions. The infusion bottles provide a robust, long-lasting term of service storing liquids. Simplify a number of procedures through the use of a single glass infusion bottle.

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Beschreibung: Infusionsflaschen, ohne Verschluss, Glas, Kapazität: 1000 ml
Artikel-Nr: 215-9243
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: Infusion bottle, graduated, with crimp neck, Glas, Kapazität: 250 ml, Gewinde: -
Artikel-Nr: ALUG1000127
VE: 1 * 48 ST
Lieferant: APG EUROPE

Beschreibung: Infusionsflaschen, graduiert, mit Gewinde, ohne Schraubverschluss , Glas, Kapazität: 300 ml, Gewinde: GL 38
Artikel-Nr: 215-1980
VE: 1 * 42 ST
Lieferant: APG EUROPE

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