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Water samplers collect small quantities from various sources to provide accurate data regarding the fluid condition. Portable and stationary samplers conduct either composite or discrete sampling. In automatic models, interval controls allow users to set precise times for individual samples to be collected or flow-proportional sampling for consistent, reproducible results. The water samplers evaluate colour, health of living organisms, and identifying chemicals present to assess the overall quality.

Water samplers collect small quantities from various sources to provide accurate data regarding the fluid condition. Portable and stationary samplers conduct either composite or discrete sampling. In automatic models, interval controls allow users to set precise times for individual samples to be collected or flow-proportional sampling for consistent, reproducible results. The water samplers evaluate colour, health of living organisms, and identifying chemicals present to assess the overall quality.

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Lieferant: BURKLE
Beschreibung: Samplers available in three sizes.

Lieferant: Hach
Beschreibung: These lightweight samplers with low power requirements (12 VDC) have been designed for easy mobility.

Artikel-Nr: (705-0989)
Lieferant: Hach
Beschreibung: Portable water sampler using pressure-vacuum technology. Combines small dimensions by offering the 24×1 l bottle option for glass as well as plastic bottles or 25 l composite PE bottle. Enables the option of 24×1 l or 1×25 l PE sample bottles, respectively 24×1 l or 1×20 l glass sample bottles, in combination with an active cooled sampler base. This is especially interesting for sampling in accordance to local regulation (24 × hourly mixed sample/daily mixed sample). Cleaning efforts are reduced to a minimum due to the new designed vat sample distributor and the standard round sample bottles. The sampler offers two cooling options for ensuring a sample storage at 4 °C: passive with ice packs or active with an integrated cooling machine including autarkic temperature control. The pressure-vacuum sampler is ISO 5667 compliant. To avoid cross contamination, the system is purged before and after each sample is taken. The compact, weatherproof housing made of PE plastic ensures failure-free operation over many years and often changing installation locations. Even in extremely corrosive applications. All programming features of stationary sampler products are available.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: Sampling Systems
Beschreibung: The Deep water sampler can take samples of liquids from large depths.

Artikel-Nr: (701-0166)
Lieferant: MAXX
Beschreibung: Wandprobennehmer mit einem Gehäuse aus Styrosun / PC(GF10). Ohne Thermostatisierung.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: MAXX
Beschreibung: Ein tragbarer, batteriebetriebener und kompakter automatischer Wasserprobennehmer mit einem Vakuumsammelsystem mit Membranpumpe. Das Standardmodell hat einen integrierten isolierten Behälter und Verteiler für 24×1-l-PE-Flaschen; die Probenahme erfolgt über die programmierbare Mikroprozessorsteuerung.

Lieferant: MAXX
Beschreibung: Water samplers with thermostatic control and protective top, which can be opened for connection and maintenance works. Self-contained, automatic cooling and heating of the sample compartment to 4 °C independent of the programmable controller, with protection against overheating and automatic defrost cycle.

Lieferant: MAXX
Beschreibung: Die Serie SP 5 besteht aus modularen Standgeräten die in verschiedenen Konfigurationen verfügbar sind.

Artikel-Nr: (MAXA2070001)
Lieferant: MAXX
Beschreibung: This portable water sampler is a unique combination of design and technology as well as an unrivaled measuring device for volume determination.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: BEHR
Beschreibung: The sampling scoop is composed of a clamping fixture and end bar. The scoop with receptacles made of borosilicate glass comply with the high requirements.

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