Sie suchten nach: Fass/Transferpumpen

Drum pumps are efficient solutions for emptying barrels that are too heavy to pour by tipping. Available in a variety of diameters, these fluid transferring devices work quickly to empty tanks, IBCs, or drums. Models such as the siphon, rotary, hand, and piston pumps control the removal of any viscosity level fluid. The drum pumps allow personnel to extract liquids by simple mechanics such as squeezing bulbs or pushing down on buttons.

Drum pumps are efficient solutions for emptying barrels that are too heavy to pour by tipping. Available in a variety of diameters, these fluid transferring devices work quickly to empty tanks, IBCs, or drums. Models such as the siphon, rotary, hand, and piston pumps control the removal of any viscosity level fluid. The drum pumps allow personnel to extract liquids by simple mechanics such as squeezing bulbs or pushing down on buttons.

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Artikel-Nr: (148-0168)
Lieferant: Dr. Weigert
Beschreibung: Drum Pump, Dispenser for 5 L, 10 L and 12 kg canisters (30 ml stroke)
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (KART2004)
Lieferant: KARTELL
Beschreibung: Dispensing pump is operated by a unique lever-action stroke and can handle the most viscous materials.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BOHLA124-16)
Lieferant: Bohlender
Beschreibung: Sampling pump is made up of PP and PTFE.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (224-0084)
Beschreibung: LactoStar ist der große Bruder von LactoFlash. Es misst den Gehalt an Fett, Protein, Laktose, fettfreier Trockenmasse und Mineralien und berechnet dann den Gefrierpunkt und die Dichte der Milch. LactoStar verwendet eine 12-ml-Milchprobe und führt sie durch thermische und optische Sensoren, um die Ergebnisse zu erhalten. Bis zu 30 Proben können pro Stunde verarbeitet werden. Das Gerät verfügt über drei Pumpen, nämlich Messpumpe, Spülpumpe und Reinigerpumpe, welche mit den jeweiligen Kanistern verbunden sind.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BELAH328870000)
Lieferant: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Beschreibung: Fits directly to a standard drum bung or carboy. It is constructed entirely of rugged PE and it is resistance to strong acids, alkalis and many solvents. The pump will efficiently deliver against a 3,65 m head of water and empty a drum or carboy to inside 3 mm of the bottom.
PE, Poly-hand pump.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (LUTZ0205-411)
Lieferant: LUTZ PUMPEN
Beschreibung: This pump set is specially adapted for pumping hazardous fluids or solvents such as acetone, formic acid, butyl acetate, acetic acid, nicotine, methyl benzene (toluol) and styrol.
VE: 1 * 1 SET

Lieferant: LUTZ PUMPEN
Beschreibung: This pump set is specially adapted for pumping concentrated acids and alkalis such as chloric acid, chromic acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid and sodium hypochlorite. Pump tube and nozzle in PVDF and drum adapter made from PP.

Artikel-Nr: (LUTZ0205-301)
Lieferant: LUTZ PUMPEN
Beschreibung: Ideal for light viscous mineral oil products.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (BODE980029)
Lieferant: BODE CHEMIE
Beschreibung: Dosing pump with plastic mounts used for various size of bottles and 5 L cans.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: LUTZ PUMPEN
Beschreibung: Pump tube SS 41-L-SL stainless steel, drum adapter is made with PP. For easely flammable hydrocarbons such as ethanol, gasoline, butanol, iso-propanol, kerosène, methanol and petroleum.

Lieferant: LUTZ PUMPEN
Beschreibung: Drum pumps for thin bodied fluids such as battery acids, amonia solutions, photographic developer/-fixer, glycol, phosphoric acids, hydrochloric acid and hydorgen peroxides.For filling small quantities from hobbocks, canisters and drums

Artikel-Nr: (181-0305)
Beschreibung: Suction operated siphon pump.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (MSGA16842)
Lieferant: asecos
Beschreibung: Solvent pump for filling of high purity liquids, removal of organic solvents and flavourings.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: asecos
Beschreibung: Stainless steel drum pump with PTFE seals. Drum pump with outlet hose 1,2 m and discharge arc. for flammable liquids electrically conductive. Can be used in Zone 0 and 1. Explosion group II A.

Artikel-Nr: (MSGA16927)
Lieferant: asecos
Beschreibung: This drum pump is used for filling high purity liquids. PTFE with stop cock.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (COLL5900)
Beschreibung: Kolbenbetriebene Siphonpumpe. Dank des anpassbaren Stopfens lässt sich die Pumpe mit verschiedenen Behältern verwenden.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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