Sie suchten nach: Ultraschall-Desintegratoren

Reducing particle sizes in liquids, the ultrasonic cell disrupters improve the overall uniformity and stability of mixtures. Using various homogenizing methods, the mechanical processing equipment evenly distributes particles to produce substances that yield consistent testing results. The ultrasonic cell disrupters are effective for DNA/RNA shearing, homogenization, cell lysis, nanoparticle dispersion, protein extraction, and general sample preparation. Internal circuitry guarantees efficient operation, sample-to-sample consistency, and a reliable end result.

Reducing particle sizes in liquids, the ultrasonic cell disrupters improve the overall uniformity and stability of mixtures. Using various homogenizing methods, the mechanical processing equipment evenly distributes particles to produce substances that yield consistent testing results. The ultrasonic cell disrupters are effective for DNA/RNA shearing, homogenization, cell lysis, nanoparticle dispersion, protein extraction, and general sample preparation. Internal circuitry guarantees efficient operation, sample-to-sample consistency, and a reliable end result.

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Lieferant: QSONICA LLC
Beschreibung: Flocell provides inline or continuous, large volume, batch sample processing. Flocell is ideal for mixing and dispersing applications.

Lieferant: QSONICA LLC
Beschreibung: Der Q55 Sonicator ist ein kompakter und effektiver Ultraschallhomogenisator, der sich für Standard-Zellaufschlussverfahren und andere Anwendungen mit kleinem Volumen eignet.

Lieferant: QSONICA LLC
Beschreibung: Eine Reihe von programmierbaren Ultraschallhomogenisatoren mit Anwendungen wie Zelllyse, Nanopartikeldispersion, Emulsionsbildung und allgemeine Homogenisierung. Impulse mit 20 kHz Frequenz bei 500 bis 700 W, je nach Modell.

Artikel-Nr: (BRAN101-063-1097R)
Lieferant: BRANSON
Beschreibung: The SFX150 Branson's handheld converter is designed with the user in mind with an ergonomic grip for comfort and control, and a recessed pushbutton and LED indicator for assured operation and to bring the industry's most advanced sample-processing capabilities to your laboratory.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: BRANSON
Beschreibung: A series of sonifiers with advanced sample processing capabilities and a digital, intuitive menu driven interface.

Artikel-Nr: (BAND3749)
Beschreibung: Ein Ultraschallkonverter wandelt die vom Ultraschallgenerator gelieferte elektrische Energie in mechanische Schwingungen um.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

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Beschreibung: A range of ultrasonic homogenisers to meet the requirements of laboratories for cell disruption, homogenisation, deagglomeration of nano particles, product of dispersions and fine emulsions or sonochemistry.

Beschreibung: The Vibra-Cell™ is a technologically advanced, high-intensity ultrasonic processor for high and low volume applications*. It can safely process a wide variety of organic and inorganic materials in applications such as cell disruption, sample preparation, homogenisation, disaggregation and sonochemical reactions. The system can vary the power output and constantly monitor both power (Watts) and energy (Joules). The microprocessor control with real time display gives digital accuracy and reproducible control of set and run parameters.

Artikel-Nr: (432-0133)
Beschreibung: Der Vibra-Cell™ ist ein mikroprozessorgesteuerter Ultraschallprozessor hoher Intensität für Anwendungen mit hohem Volumen*. Er kann ein großes Spektrum an organischen und anorganischen Materialien in Anwendungen wie Zellaufschluss, Probenvorbereitung, Homogenisierung, Disaggregation und sonochemische Reaktionen sicher verarbeiten. Das System kann die Ausgangsleistung variieren und kontinuierlich sowohl Leistung (Watt) als auch Energie (Joules) überwachen. Die Mikroprozessorsteuerung mit Echtzeitanzeige bietet digitale Genauigkeit und eine reproduzierbare Steuerung der eingestellten und laufenden Parameter.
VE: 1 * 1 ST

Beschreibung: The Vibra-Cell™ is a technologically advanced, high-intensity ultrasonic processor for low volume applications*. It can safely process a wide variety of organic and inorganic materials in applications such as cell disruption, sample preparation, homogenisation, disaggregation and sonochemical reactions. The system can vary the power output and constantly monitor both power (Watts) and energy (Joules). The VCX 130 model has the additional features of 10 hour timer, independent on-off pulser and ability to program some set and run parameters.

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