Sie suchten nach: Zellkulturkolben

VWR supplies cell culture flasks in a variety of sizes for optimal cultivation of cells in your lab. Select a polystyrene culture treated flask with a canted, angled, or straight neck to suit your purpose. Products feature vented, plug-seal, or phenolic style caps for tight closure. Sterile and cleanroom-assembled flasks with printed volume gradations or raised rims for stacking are offered. Cell growth surface and flask volumes are available in an array of sizes. Flasks may be ordered in packs or cases.

VWR supplies cell culture flasks in a variety of sizes for optimal cultivation of cells in your lab. Select a polystyrene culture treated flask with a canted, angled, or straight neck to suit your purpose. Products feature vented, plug-seal, or phenolic style caps for tight closure. Sterile and cleanroom-assembled flasks with printed volume gradations or raised rims for stacking are offered. Cell growth surface and flask volumes are available in an array of sizes. Flasks may be ordered in packs or cases.

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Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Human Fibronectin (HFN) is a widely distributed glycoprotein that is used as a substrate to promote attachment of cells through its central-binding domain RGD sequence. HFN is a product of most mesenchymal and epithelial cells and is present in both the ECM and plasma. The principal function of HFN appears to be in cellular migration during wound healing and development, regulation of cell growth and differentiation, and haemostasis/thrombosis
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: PS, mit blauem Schraubverschluss.
Artikel-Nr: (734-0181)
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Laminin, a major structural component of basement membranes, is a 900 kD glycoprotein composed of three polypeptide chains with a multidomain structure. Laminin has many varied funcitons that are mediated by binding to various components of the basement membrane (for example, collagen IV and heparan sulphate proteoglycan) and to cell surface receptors. Corning® BioCoat® Laminin flasks, coated with mouse laminin, are manufactured in a highly controlled environment and rigorously tested to assure product consistency and performance.
VE: 1 * 10 ST


Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: PS, beschichtet mit Gelatine (vom Schwein), steril, apyrogen.
Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: Zellkulturflaschen, mit einem Standard- oder belüftetem Verschluss und einer modifizierten Oberfläche für Kulturen, um die Zellcharakteristika und -funktionen zu optimieren. Die verbesserte Adhärenz und die erhöhte Wachstumsrate verbessern und beschleunigen die Zellproliferation. Darüber hinaus vereinfacht die Advanced TC™ Oberfläche die einheitliche und gleichbleibende Zelladhärenz, erhöht den Durchsatz und verringert den Zellverlust, beispielsweise während automatisierter Waschschritte. Frei von nachweisbarer DNase, RNase und humaner DNA. Frei von zytotoxischen Substanzen.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Zell- und Gewebekulturflaschen eignen sich hervorragend für Zellenwachstum.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Mehrlagige Zellkulturkolben ermöglichen schneller und einfacher mehr Zellen zu züchten und so den Zellkultur-Workflow produktiver zu gestalten.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Collagen I, found in most tissues and organs, is most plentiful in dermis, tendon, and bone. It is an integral part of the framework that holds cells and tissues together and has been recognized as a useful matrix for improving cell culture. In vitro use of collagen can exert effects on the adherence, morphology, growth, migration, and differentiation of a variety of cell types.
Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PS, steril

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: Klare PS-Flaschen mit CELLCOAT®-Oberflächenbehandlung und roten Filterschraubkappen. Beschichtet mit Proteinen der extrazellulären Matrix (Kollagen Typ I) oder synthetischen Proteinen (Poly-DLysin).

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: PS, mit blauem Schraubverschluss.

Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PS, steril

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) and Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) are synthetic compounds that enhance cell adhesion and protein absorption by altering surface charges on the culture substrate. In addition to promoting cell adhesion, poly-lysine surface treatments support neurite outgrowth and improve the survival of many central nervous system (CNS) primary cells in culture. As PDL and PLL are synthetic molecules, they do not stimulate biological activity in the cells cultured on them, and they do not introduce impurities carried by natural polymers.
Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: These sterile, PS cell culture flasks have a cell-repellent surface to effectively inhibit cell attachment. Achieved through a chemical polymer modification, the surface does not degrade or leach under common cell culture conditions, rendering an ideal substrate for native cell culture experiments.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: <p>When growing large numbers of cells, you need a high throughput flask to save space and time. Each Millicell HY (high yield) flask provides a consistent, quality growth environment across all layers, with the same volume of media in each layer. Recovering cells is as easy as growing them.</p>

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Collagen IV is a ubiquitous component of basement membranes. It plays a role in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation and adhesion, as well as tissue formation. Corning® BioCoat™ Collagen IV flasks are tissue culture vessels with a uniform application of mouse collagen type IV. These flasks are manufactured in a highly controlled environment and are rigorously tested to assure product consistency and performance.
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