Sie suchten nach: Zellkulturmedien

Cell culture media maintains the right pH and supports the growth of many types of cells. The media formulation includes amino acids, vitamins, glucose, inorganic salts and other growth factors designed to support the growth of cells or microorganisms

Cell culture media maintains the right pH and supports the growth of many types of cells. The media formulation includes amino acids, vitamins, glucose, inorganic salts and other growth factors designed to support the growth of cells or microorganisms

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Artikel-Nr: (APOSPMG398A-10X1L)
Lieferant: Apollo Scientific
Beschreibung: Contains macro/micronutrients as described by Gamborget al. 1968. Plant tissue culture tested. Full specification given in appendix.
VE: 1 * 10 ST


Lieferant: Apollo Scientific
Beschreibung: Contains macro/micronutrients and vitamins as describedby Chu, 1975.Plant tissue culture testedFull specification given in appendix.

Lieferant: Apollo Scientific
Beschreibung: 21959548

Lieferant: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: HyClone™ DMEM-Flüssigmedien mit hohem Glucosegehalt unterstützen das Zellwachstum in der Forschung, in der Upstream-Prozessentwicklung und in Zellkultur-Herstellungsprozessen.

Lieferant: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: HyClone™ CDM4HEK293 media are chemically-defined, animal-derived component free (ADCF) cell culture media.

Lieferant: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: AdvanceSTEM™ Mesenchymal Stem Cell Basal Medium and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Supplement have been formulated to support expansion and maintenance of undifferentiated human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs).

Lieferant: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Dry powdered media for supporting cell culture growth and biomanufacturing processes.

Artikel-Nr: (SH31193.02)
Lieferant: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: Gebrauchsfertiges Medium unterstützt hohes Zellwachstum, außergewöhnliche Transfektionseffizienz und robuste Virusproduktion für Adeno-assoziierte Viren und Lentiviren, die in humanen embryonalen Nierenzelllinien (HEK293) exprimiert werden.
VE: 1 * 1.000 mL

Artikel-Nr: (BCON1-10S02-I)
Beschreibung: BSK-H medium is a high quality nutrient liquid for the reliable cultivation of <i>Borrelia</i> sp.
VE: 1 * 500 mL


Lieferant: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: HyCell™ TransFx-C Media is a hydrolysate-free and regulatory-friendly media which supports transient transfection, growth, and expression of a variety of recombinant proteins in CHO cells.

Artikel-Nr: (ICNA113030021)
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: SOB Medium rich medium for the preparation of competent host cells prior to transformation. Certified for plasmid and other bacterial cultures in liquid medium. Standard media for preparing cells for chemical transformation.
VE: 1 * 454 g

Lieferant: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: HyClone Medium 199 is manufactured using ISO 9001:2000-certified processes

Lieferant: HyClone products (Cytiva)
Beschreibung: HyClone™ SFX-Insect™ with L-glutamine is a versatile protein-free cell culture medium developed through metabolic pathway design to support the growth of multiple insect cell lines and production of a variety of recombinant proteins. It provides superior growth of many key insect cell lines, including Sf9, Sf21, and High Five (, requiring minimal adaptation.

Artikel-Nr: (PRTV2010601)
Lieferant: PROVITRO
Beschreibung: Smooth Muscle Cell Growth Medium is a sterile liquid culture medium designed for cultivating human smooth muscle cells (HSMC). Provided in the form of a basal medium, it is ideal for culturing HSMC upon the addition of supplement mix components.
VE: 1 * 500 mL

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Artikel-Nr: (PRTV2000001)
Lieferant: PROVITRO
Beschreibung: Endothelial cell proliferation medium is a sterile liquid culture medium for culturing endothelial cells. The medium is delivered as a basal medium and is suitable for culturing human endothelial cells after adding the supplement mix components.
VE: 1 * 500 mL

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Artikel-Nr: (SHBT94118-10L)
Lieferant: Shenandoah Biotechnology
Beschreibung: BalanCD™ CHO Feed 3 is a chemically-defined, animal component-free feed medium designed to increase process yields of antibodies and recombinant proteins in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells in fed-batch mode.
VE: 1 * 10 L

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