Sie suchten nach: THERMO ELECTRON LED
46 Ergebnisse wurden gefunden
Best practices for ergonomic pipetting
Best practices for ergonomic pipetting Webinar Tuesday 21st April 2020 11:00 to 12.00 CEST REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance This webinar presents an overview of pipetting ergonomics pipetting risk factors m...
Liquid Handling
Liquid Handling Von einfachen Anwendungen bis hin zu komplexen Forschungsanwendungen Liquid Handling ist für jedes Labor unerlässlich. VWR bietet Ihnen für alle Anforderungen die komplette Palette an Produkten: Produkte passend für Ihr Budget Sich...
VWR Electronic Pipette… Pipetting Made Simple
VWR Electronic Pipette… Pipetting Made Simple Have you already purchased your new VWR Electronic Pipette? Congratulations on your purchase we are certain you will be pleased! Download User Manual Download your FREE VWR Protocol Builder Software Si...
Enhancing Rotational Viscometer Measurements
Enhancing Rotational Viscometer Measurements Webinar Tuesday 18th May 2021 10:00 to 11:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Design your own automated measurement processes Classic viscosity measurements often consume quite a lot of operator time. C...
Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ & Abgene™ microplates
Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ & Abgene™ microplates Quality and innovation for your cell-based assays immunoassays biobanking and storage Thermo Scientific Nunc has over 40 years of experience in designing and manufacturing microtiter plates for resear...
Automatisierte Liquid-Handling-Systeme und Dispenser
Automatisierte Liquid-Handling-Systeme und Dispenser Steigern Sie die Produktivität indem Sie die manuelle Arbeit mit automatisierten Thermo Scientific™ Liquid-Handling-Systemen und Dispensern minimieren. Diese Geräte sind für eine Vielzahl von Vo...
Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes
Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes The Great Double Digest Day Double Digest your DNA in only 5-15 minutes with one buffer and load directly onto your gel with 176 Thermo Scientific FastDigest Enzymes. Restriction digestion gets easy Thermo Sci...
Manuelle Pipettiersysteme
Manuelle Pipettiersysteme Vorstellung der neuen Finnpipette F1 und F1-ClipTip Pipetten Die Entwicklung von herausragenden Pipetten macht große Fortschritte – dank Ihres wertvollen Feedbacks. Jeder Vorschlag wurde zu einer wichtigen Eigenschaft die...
Automated solutions for nucleic acid purification
Automated solutions for nucleic acid purification Mag-BIND® chemistry for nucleic acid purification Automated liquid handlers and magnetic processors are becoming more widely used as the need for multiple sample processing increases. Omega Bio-tek...
Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection
Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection Top customer picks. Making a difference in labs worldwide Thermo Scientific™ molecular biology tools are used by researchers worldwide. From quality high-fidelity or Taq DNA polymerases simple and fast...
Thermo Scientific Liquid-Handling-Lösungen
Thermo Scientific Liquid-Handling-Lösungen Revolutionieren Sie Ihre Pipettierverfahren Jetzt neu: Thermo Scientific™ MyPipette™ Creator App und E1-ClipTip™ Bluetooth Pipetten My Pipette™ Creator ist eine webbasierte App die eine effiziente zentral...
Elektronische Pipettiersysteme
Elektronische Pipettiersysteme Erhöhen Sie die Produktivität sowie den Anwenderkomfort und die Flexibilität in jedem Labor mit elektronischen Thermo Scientific™ Pipetten. Die bewährte Bedienung mit dem Zeigefinder der elektronische Spitzenabwurf u...
Detection & Quantitation
Detection & Quantitation Detection & Quantitation Accurate concentration and purity measurements of extracted DNA and RNA are key to ensure reproducibility and significance of experimental data. Our selection of spectrophotometers for both microvo...
Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis
Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis Webinar Tuesday 16th November 2021 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay The use of so-called “named reactions” play an important role in defining routes in today’s chemical synthesis. This webinar e...
Data Integrity for Pharmaceutical Chromatographers
Data Integrity for Pharmaceutical Chromatographers Webinar Thursday 25th April 2019 16:00 to 16:45 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Data integrity has been th...
Using Batch Centrifugation To Improve Bioprocessing Efficiencies
Using Batch Centrifugation To Improve Bioprocessing Efficiencies Webinar Monday 21st June 2021 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Bioprocessing harvesting plays an im...
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