Sie suchten nach: (4S)-4-Benzyl-1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione
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peqSTAR Thermocycler bestellinformationen
Telefon +49 (0) 9131 - 610 70 20 · Telefax +49 (0) 9131 - 610 70 99 Freecall(D) 0800 - 100 20 16 · Freefax(D) 0800 - 100 90 16 BESTELLINFORMATIONEN Schnellste Temperaturwechsel ohne Überschwinger Temperaturverläufe gemessen mit kalibrierten extern...
Hichrom Catalogue 9
Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: Catalo...
Permeable Supports Selection Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts 2 About Corning® Permeable Supports Permeable supports also known as cell culture inserts are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and ...
Permeable Supports Selection Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts 2 About Corning® Permeable Supports Permeable supports also known as cell culture inserts are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and ...
Asecos Q Line Type 90
20 principales raisons de choisir une armoire de sécurité Q-LINE type 90 1. Type Type 90 90 minutes minimum de résistance au feu en cas d’incendie 2. EN 14470-1 Norme de résistance au feu des armoires de sécurité pour le stockage de produits infla...
Attachment and differentiation of normal and transformed cells Corning Matrigel matrix certified LDEV-free and the trusted leading basement membrane provides a physiologically relevant environment for studies of cell morphology biochemical functio...
Multiskan FC Brochure
User convenience in photometric applications Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC Microplate Photometer Thermo ScientificTM MultiskanTM FC – Filter-based Microplate Photometer for Research and Routine Applications The Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC micr...
Back Pressure in Flowmeters: Causes and Solutions
Back Pressure in Flowmeters: Causes and Solutions If you use a flowmeter to measure flow rate you must consider the effect of back pressure. In some processes sufficient back pressure will exceed maximum operating pressure causing some component o...
011_SFLY_sparQ_HiFi_PCR_MM_VWR_1117.indd Next Generation Sequencing 1.1 Libraries were prepared from Covaris-sheared DNA with sparQ DNA library prep kit prior to library amplification. Pre-amplified libraries were then amplified using sparQ HiFi P...
Masterflex® I/P® MasterSense™ Process Drives
Masterflex® I/P® MasterSense™ Process Drives Reimage bioprocessing NEW integrated sensor technology intuitive touchscreen and MasterflexLive® remote monitoring for the biopharma industry of tomorrow Shop Drives Shop Complete Systems Take your proc...
Pumpen scherempfindlicher Flüssigkeiten mit Peristaltikpumpen
Pumpen scherempfindlicher Flüssigkeiten mit Peristaltikpumpen Factors Impacting Shear Sensitivity Peristaltic pumps have become the gold standard for shear-sensitive pumping applications where damage to cells or agitation of a suspension or colloi...
Mag-Bind® Total Pure NGS M1378-00 5 mL M1378-01 50 mL M1378-02 500 mL Manual Date: November 2018 Revision Number: v2.1 1 Introduction and Overview.......................................................2 Illustrated Protocol...........................
Innovative Solutions for Drug Discovery and Life Sciences Research Advancing cell and protein analysis technologies for your landmark scientific achievements Molecular Devices is a leading provider of high-performance bioanalytical measurement sol...
Innovative Solutions for Drug Discovery and Life Sciences Research Advancing cell and protein analysis technologies for your landmark scientific achievements Molecular Devices is a leading provider of high-performance bioanalytical measurement sol...
Validate CRISPR-edited Cells using Imaging and Western Blot Detection on a Microplate Reader | Molec
Validate CRISPR-edited Cells using Imaging and Western Blot Detection on a Microplate Reader | Molecular Devices Benefits • Measure transfection efficiency by accurately identifying GFP-positive cells vs non-transfected cells • Validate CRISPR-med...
Regulatorische Voraussetzungen für die sterile Produktion von Zytostatika
Regulatorische Voraussetzungen für die sterile Produktion von Zytostatika Arzneimittelsicherheit Patienten- und Mitarbeiterschutz stehen im Mittelpunkt des sterilen Produktionsprozesses und sind der Grund für umfassende und konsequente Regularien ...
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