Sie suchten nach: 1,2-Dihydronaphtho[2,1-b]furan-2-carboxylic acid
361 Ergebnisse wurden gefunden
PHARMED Tubing Advantages: Great for tissue and cell worknontoxic and nonhemolytic. Long service life minimizes risk of fluid exposure; reduces tubing costs and pump downtime. Opaque to UV and visible light to protect light-sensitive fluids. Heat...
cmm_catalog_title_150304.indd Complete Monograph Methods Solutions for regulated Pharmaceutical Instrumental Analysis Methods with HPLC FTIR KF AAS and ICP 2015 -1 Merck Millipore is a division of Content Molecular Structures 3 Applications Index ...
TYGON LFL Tubing Advantages: Longest life of all TYGON peristaltic tubings (1000 hrs). Nonaging nonoxidizing. Clear for easy flow monitoring. Broad chemical resistance. Low gas permeability. Smooth bore. Good for viscous fluids. High dielectric co...
TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing
TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing Advantages: Designed especially for handling food products; bore is extremely smooth (better than most stainless steels) nontoxic will not affect taste or odor and clear for CIP and flow verification. Excellent nonwetti...
Helping GMP/GLP labs meet data integrity guidelines
Helping GMP/GLP labs meet data integrity guidelines Webinar Thursday July 2 2020 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Laboratories especially those involved in drug dis...
Lebensdauer von Schläuchen – technische Daten und Auswahlhilfen
Lebensdauer von Schläuchen – technische Daten und Auswahlhilfen Auswahlhilfen Die Lebensdauer der Schläuche ist nur einer von vielen Faktoren die bei Ihren Pumpenanwendungen eine Rolle spielen. Diese hilfreichen Referenztabellen helfen Ihnen bei d...
Analytica - 09.-12. April 2024
Analytica - 09.-12. April 2024 Kommen Sie am Stand B1-316 mit unseren Experten ins Gespräch knüpfen Sie Kontakte und nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit sich über das umfassende Avantor Produkt- und Service-Portfolio zu informieren. Unsere Highlights für S...
Permeable Supports Quick Reference Ordering Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts Quick Reference Ordering Information Uncoated Individual Inserts Transwell® Permeable Supports Polycarbonate (PC) Membrane Membrane Cat. No. De...
Grundchemikalien, Fluorchemikalien und Synthesereagenzien – Apollo Scientific
Grundchemikalien Fluorchemikalien und Synthesereagenzien – Apollo Scientific ist Apollo Scientific ein Spezialist für die Herstellung und Lieferung von aromatischen heterozyklischen und aliphatischen Verbindungen Fluorchemikalien und Reagenzien fü...
Masterflex Ismatec Peristaltic Pump Selection Guide
Masterflex Ismatec Peristaltic Pump Selection Guide Contents Why Select Masterflex Ismatec? Selecting a Masterflex Ismatec Pump Selecting Ismatec Pump Tubing Pump System and Drive Selection by Flow Range Why Select Masterflex Ismatec? Flow rates a...
Viskositätsstandards Neues Sortiment von zertifizierten präzisen und rückführbaren Viskositätsstandards. Diese Produkte können für die Kalibrierung Kontrolle Verifizierung Qualifizierung oder Methodenvalidierung von Messgeräten für kinematische un...
Brochure NanoDropOne
Thermo Scientific NanoDrop One Microvolume UV-Vis Spectrophotometers Intelligent microvolume analysis Pipette. Measure. Know. • Employs spectral analysis algorithms to identify contaminants in the sample and report a corrected concentration. • Ens...
Thermo Immunoassay Plate Guide
Thermo Scientific Immunoassay Plate Guide H H NNH C H 3 H 3 C S N H 2 O N H 2 OO HOO O O H C H 3 H the right surface for your assay Well Configuration For easier washingCompatible with monochromatic reading the right surface for your assay Advance...
R3971_AcroSep Various filter choices – Specialized membranes and media accomodates most applications to guarantee success. Optimized outlet tips – Minimizes sample leak- age during incubation steps and reduces the presence of hanging drops followi...
013 SFLY sparQ DNA Frag Library Kit VWR 0218 lr
Next Generation Sequencing sparQ DNA Frag & Library Prep Kit FEATURES & BENEFITS: Simple 2 step workflow employs a unique enzyme mix safeguarding samples from over fragmentation Tunable and reproducible fragmentation profiles across a range of sam...
A What kind of storage tube should I use to prevent the breakdown of RNA in tissue during cold storage? Selecting the proper storage tube to protect the integrity of your tissue samples is imperative. During frozen storage a primary concern is the...
17 - 32 of 361