Sie suchten nach: 2-(Hydroxymethyl)-15-krone-5
302 Ergebnisse wurden gefunden
Kaltlagerungs- und Kühllösungen
Kaltlagerungs- und Kühllösungen Avantor bietet Ihnen ein umfassendes Portfolio an Lösungen und Produkten zur Kühllagerung und Kühlung von marktführenden Herstellern sowie unserer Eigenmarke. Die Produkte von Avantor zur Kühllagerung wurden konzipi...
Viton Tubing Specifications
Viton Tubing Specifications Advantages: Our most chemical-resistant tubing. Resistant to corrosives solvents and oils at elevated temperature. Low gas permeability. Limitations: Limited pumping life. Application Suitability: Acids: Excellent Alkal...
Biopharma events:
Biopharma events: Meet our specialists at the major Biopharma events! Learn more about VWR Bioprocessing Solutions and what we can do for you ... Learn more about VWR Single-Use-Solutions ... Subscribe for the VWR Newsletter Cell&Gene Therapy Manu...
Masterflex Flexible Tubing
Masterflex Flexible Tubing Flexible Tubing... Even Under Pressure! Pump at pressures up to 100 psi with peristaltic pump tubing? It's now a reality with our NEW Masterflex® High-Pressure Norprene® tubing. Choose from two sizes: L/S® 16HP tubing (M...
TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing
TYGON Food (B-44-4X) Tubing Advantages: Designed especially for handling food products; bore is extremely smooth (better than most stainless steels) nontoxic will not affect taste or odor and clear for CIP and flow verification. Excellent nonwetti...
Basics in Bio-LC
Basics in Bio-LC Webinar Thursday 10th November 2022 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Wonder why there’s a need for peptide mapping? Is it difficult to obtain a cha...
011_SFLY_sparQ_HiFi_PCR_MM_VWR_1117.indd Next Generation Sequencing 1.1 Libraries were prepared from Covaris-sheared DNA with sparQ DNA library prep kit prior to library amplification. Pre-amplified libraries were then amplified using sparQ HiFi P...
Sustainable approaches for your liquid chromatography workflow
Sustainable approaches for your liquid chromatography workflow Webinar Tuesday 9th May 2023 15:00 - 16:00 CEST (Paris Berlin Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance The analytical laboratory may incorporat...
Robustness Testing For HPLC
Robustness Testing For HPLC Webinar Tuesday October 1st 2019 15:00 to 16:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Tests carried out by HPLC in the pharmaceutical i...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
010 SFLY sparQ Library Prep VWR 1117
Next Generation Sequencing sparQ DNA Library Prep Kit DESCRIPTION: An optimized kit for the rapid construction of DNA libraries from fragmented double-stranded DNA for sequencing on Illumina® NGS platforms. DNA polishing reactions are combined in ...
BioPharm Silicone Tubing
BioPharm Silicone Tubing Advantages: Ultra-smooth inner surface. Minimizes particle entrapment. Lower absorption; excellent biocompatibility; no leachable additives DOP or plasticizers. Odorless and nontoxic fungus resistant. No taste imparted to ...
LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts
LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts Webinar Tuesday 24th January 2023 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Paris Berlin Madrid) 14:00 to 15:00 GMT 09:00 to 10:00 ET Replay Do you want to achieve the same chromatography in a shorter timeframe? Ever ...
Wide pore monolithic functionalities in high performance liquid chromatography for large molecule separations
Wide pore monolithic functionalities in high performance liquid chromatography for large molecule separations Webinar Tuesday January 28th 2020 15:00 to 15:45 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Egidijus Machtejevas Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Cha...
Streamlined reversed-phase method development using combined column screening and software modelling approach
Streamlined reversed-phase method development using combined column screening and software modelling approach Webinar Thursday 11th October 2019 15:00 to 15:45 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH REPLAY Email Alerts Free Registration C...
Masterflex® I/P® Tubing Life vs Speed Data for Norprene Tubing Using an I/P
Masterflex® I/P® Tubing Life vs Speed Data for Norprene Tubing Using an I/P I/P® Tubing Life vs Speed Data Performance Data for Norprene® Tubing Using an I/P Easy-Load® (77601-series) Pump Head @ 650 rpm Last Updated: 10/15/18
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