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35  Ergebnisse wurden gefunden

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-2 - Pharmed Tubing

Masterflex Connection Newsletter Vol.3-2 - Pharmed Tubing PharMed tubing outlasts silicone tubing in peristaltic pumps by up to 30 times (up to 10000 hours) simplifying your processes by reducing production downtime due to pump tubing failure. The...

Standard Products

Standard Products Through VWR part of Avantor choose from over 100 standard products that have been designed to solve many common bioprocess applications. All products featured below are available for prompt delivery. Not seeing what you're lookin...

Peristaltikpumpen – Anpassung der Schläuche an die Flüssigkeit

Peristaltikpumpen – Anpassung der Schläuche an die Flüssigkeit Considering peristaltic pump tubing performance parameters Reprinted with permission of Putman Media Inc. Originally published in Chemical Processing magazine October 2001 Tubing is an...


Referenzmaterialien Wichtigste Motoren für alle Branchen sind sinkende Nachweisgrenzen bei analytischen Verfahren bis in den ppb- und den ppt-Bereich und natürlich die Anforderungen an Überprüfbarkeit und Rückverfolgung der Ergebnisse. Gebrauchsfe...

Masterflex® I/P® MasterSense™ Process Drives

Masterflex® I/P® MasterSense™ Process Drives Reimage bioprocessing NEW integrated sensor technology intuitive touchscreen and MasterflexLive® remote monitoring for the biopharma industry of tomorrow Shop Drives Shop Complete Systems Take your proc...


to protect your samples Everything you need Thermo Scientific Cold Storage Tubes and Accessories and decrease cost maximize storage space You can decrease the cost to store your samples by HALF simply by maximizing your storage space. The cost to ...

Reduzierung der Pulsation in Perstaltikpumpensystemen

Reduzierung der Pulsation in Perstaltikpumpensystemen Some applications for persistaltic pumps. especially in the laboratory are sensitive to pulsating fluid flow. A number of steps can be taken to reduce the pulsating effect. Introduction to Pump...

Pumpen viskoser Flüssigkeiten

Pumpen viskoser Flüssigkeiten Viskose Flüssigkeiten fließen aus mehreren Gründen viel langsamer als wasserähnliche Flüssigkeiten: Die Flüssigkeit hat einen höheren Strömungswiderstand als Wasser. Zwischen der Schlauchwand und einer viskosen Flüssi...

Masterflex Pumpen sorgen für eine präzise, wiederholbare und flexible pharmazeutische Produktion

Masterflex Pumpen sorgen für eine präzise wiederholbare und flexible pharmazeutische Produktion Gregg E. Johnson Sr. Global Product Manager Masterflex Bioprocessing USA. Besides requiring precise liquid metering dosing and transfer virtually all p...


MK-TF-0006_REV01_Q_qPCR_EU_0918.indd For more info visit: www.quantabio.comFor more info visit: For more info visit: PCR & qPCRPCR & qPCR A faster smaller better way to qPCR Ultra-Fast Data Acquisition 35 cycles...

Technische Artikel und Whitepaper von Masterflex®

Technische Artikel und Whitepaper von Masterflex® Masterflex® hat sich immer bemüht auf dem neuesten Stand der Wissenschaft zu bleiben. Um unsere Kunden auf dem Laufenden zu halten haben wir eine Reihe von Fachartikeln und Weißbüchern zu einer Vie...


Introduction The SpectraMax® ABS Microplate Reader bridges the gap between the affordability of filter-based readers and the flexibility of monochromator-based systems. The SpectraMax ABS Plus Microplate Reader can run both cuvette-based and micro...

@@NUMMER 8090145@@

@@NUMMER 8090145@@ 1 DNA-ExitusPlus & DNA-ExitusPlus IF Reagent for the removal of DNA and RNA contaminations Product codes A7089 and A7409 Description DNA-ExitusPlus™ is a novel patented reagent for the removal of nucleic acid contamination fro...

Peristaltic Tubing Pumps in Dispensing Applications

Peristaltic Tubing Pumps in Dispensing Applications Properties inherent to peristaltic pumps and features designed into Masterflex® digital pump drives make these pumps ideal for laboratory and process dispensing applications. Accuracies in the ra...


R3971_AcroSep Various filter choices – Specialized membranes and media accomodates most applications to guarantee success. Optimized outlet tips – Minimizes sample leak- age during incubation steps and reduces the presence of hanging drops followi...

COL04676_Nunc Cell Factory Systems Family Brochure 09-21-17.indd

COL04676_Nunc Cell Factory Systems Family Brochure 09-21-17.indd Nunc Cell Factory systems For consistent cell culture performance 2 The Thermo Scientific Nunc Cell Factory system difference Assured performance from lot to lot and format to format...
17 - 32 of 35