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Sie suchten nach: LaMotte Chemicals

289  Ergebnisse wurden gefunden

Process chromatography resins and media

Process chromatography resins and media Avantor J.T.Baker® brand BAKERBOND® process chromatography products features a unique multi-mode chemistry designed to increase yield by improving the efficiency of your purification process and enhance sele...

Laboratory Manager

Laboratory Manager Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Keep All Aspects of Your Lab Running Smoothly and Efficiently A lab is an accident waiting to happen without you. Constant risk assessments allow you ...

C-FLEX (50 A) Tubing

C-FLEX (50 A) Tubing Advantages: Physical properties similar to silicone with chemical compatibility of TYGON®. Inexpensive. Excellent biocompatibility. Smooth bore. Nontoxic no leachable plasticizers. Lower gas permeability than silicone. Use wit...

Cleanroom wipers and sustainability, a contradiction?

Cleanroom wipers and sustainability a contradiction? Webinar Friday 8th April 2022 11:00 to 12:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Is it be possible to make the usage of cleanroom wipers more sustainable? By recycling? By improving the manufacturi...

Contact Us

Contact Us Sustain the integrity and activity of your vaccine making use of our in-depth understanding of how raw materials perform and single-use systems can best be integrated in your workflows - from early discovery phase through product develo...

Controlled Environment

Controlled Environment Ergonomics In Cleaning Brigit Wilcox and Tom Carberry Which wipe ? - a look at the different cleanroom wipes available Karen Rossington Choosing the correct chemical and cleanroom protective garments Steve Marnach OxiTop - E...

Produktions- und kundenspezifische Produkte

Produktions- und kundenspezifische Produkte Das Angebot von VWR an Produkten und Dienstleistungen für Produktionszubehör unterstützt Kunden bei der Herstellung Zusammenstellung und Produktion in vielen Bereichen beispielsweise für Pharmazeutika Me...

Research Scientist

Research Scientist Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Rediscover the Time To Do What Matters Most — Science It’s easy to forget that simple curiosity is what first brought you to science. Innovation and t...

Deliver Cost Savings in Lab Operations

Deliver Cost Savings in Lab Operations Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Efficiency That Saves You Money Routine equipment maintenance preparing media the ebb and flow of lab supplies management—there’s ...

Analyse von Speiseölen und -fetten

Analyse von Speiseölen und -fetten Vom Prüfen der Ranzigkeit von Speiseölen bis zum Prüfen des Fettgehalts in Lebensmitteln mithilfe der Soxhlet-Methode bieten wir Ihnen die passenden Lösungen. Produktauswahl VWR Chemicals Reagenzien Mit dem Namen...


TYGON LFL Tubing Advantages: Longest life of all TYGON peristaltic tubings (1000 hrs). Nonaging nonoxidizing. Clear for easy flow monitoring. Broad chemical resistance. Low gas permeability. Smooth bore. Good for viscous fluids. High dielectric co...

Avantor for Environmental Testing

Avantor for Environmental Testing Ever increasing environmental awareness drives more and more stringent environmental monitoring and control. Avantor's specialist products for this market from both J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals™ ranges are...

pH/mV und Ionen

pH/mV und Ionen Ein Portfolio an Messgeräten (sowohl für den Labortisch als auch tragbar) mit einem Sortiment an Elektroden Puffern und Zubehör bietet Ihnen eine große Auswahl zu einem attraktiven Preis. Produktauswahl pH/Ion Meters Range of meter...

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 16.05.2013 page 1 from 7 Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand COD according to DIN 38 409 part 41 Application date: 16.05.2013 page 2 from 7 Use Determination of the chemic...

What is flow cytometry?

An Introduction to Flow Cytometry Flow cytometry is a powerful analytical technique to analyze and characterize individual cells or particles in a sample. It quantifies cells' physical and chemical properties in real-time including size granularit...

~~Europäische Normen für den Kopfschutz~~

Europäische Normen für den Kopfschutz Normen EN 397Helmets for general use in industry to protect the wearer against falling objects EN 812Bump caps protect the wearer against the effects of striking the head against hard or sharp stationary objec...
145 - 160 of 289