Ashless quantitative filter papers

Lieferant: PRAT DUMAS
A1856603 J1506602 A0126600 A0406600 A0406601 A0406602 A0556600 A0556601 A0556602 A0706600 A0706601 A0706602 A0706603 A0906600 A0906601 A0906602 A1106600 A1106601 A1106602 A1106603 A1256600 A1256601 A1256602 A1256603 A1356602 A1506600 A1506601 A1506602 A1506603 A1856600 A1856601 A1856602 A2406600 A2406601 A2406603 J1256600 J1506600 J1856601 J1256601 J1856600 J1106600 J1106601
PRATA1856603EA 107 EUR
PRATA1856603 PRATJ1506602 PRATA0126600 PRATA0406600 PRATA0406601 PRATA0406602 PRATA0556600 PRATA0556601 PRATA0556602 PRATA0706600 PRATA0706601 PRATA0706602 PRATA0706603 PRATA0906600 PRATA0906601 PRATA0906602 PRATA1106600 PRATA1106601 PRATA1106602 PRATA1106603 PRATA1256600 PRATA1256601 PRATA1256602 PRATA1256603 PRATA1356602 PRATA1506600 PRATA1506601 PRATA1506602 PRATA1506603 PRATA1856600 PRATA1856601 PRATA1856602 PRATA2406600 PRATA2406601 PRATA2406603 PRATJ1256600 PRATJ1506600 PRATJ1856601 PRATJ1256601 PRATJ1856600 PRATJ1106600 PRATJ1106601
Ashless quantitative filter papers
Filter Filterpapiere Quantitatives Filterpapier
The ashless papers are manufactured with a very pure cotton cellulose base. They are purified with acid to reduce the amount of mineral material such as silicon, aluminium or magnesium oxides as far as possible. The residues of the paper after calcination are reduced to negligible quantities and do not affect the results of the qualitative analysis.

Grade 6601: Slow filtration speed, suitable for the retention of fine precipitates. For critical gravimetric quantitative analysis. Recommended for precipitates such as barium sulphate, lead, zinc sulphate, nickel, calcium fluoride and calcium hydroxide.

Grade 6600: Average filtration speed. For standard gravimetric quantitative analysis. Recommended for general use. This is the intermediate filter in terms of speed and retention requirements.

Grade 6602: Fast filtration speed, suitable for the retention of voluminous precipitates. Large pore diameter, which only allows filtering of easily retained precipitates. Recommended for quantitative analysis of precipitates such as iron hydroxide and a range of metallic sulphides.

Grade 6603: Very fast filtration speed, suitable for the retention of particularly voluminous large-grain and gelatinous precipitates. Paper for quantitative analysis, recommended for precipitates such as iron hydroxide or aluminium.

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