Deionisers, behropur®

Lieferant: BEHR
B00223462 B00223463
BEHRB00223462EA 619 EUR
BEHRB00223462 BEHRB00223463
Deionisers, behropur®
Wasseraufbereitungssysteme Ionenaustauscher
These deionisers are thick-walled, robust and practical mixed-bed ion exchangers made of blue polyethylene with free output to the storage tank. Ideal also for subsequent demineralisation of reverse osmosis system or for an ambitious aquarist.

  • Can be connected directly to the water supply and is immediately ready for use
  • Automatic deaeration due to the water being supplied from the bottom
  • Nozzles are sturdy and easy to clean
  • Minimum risk of microbial contamination due to slit nozzles in the raw water supply
  • Extremely secure and leakproof sealing of the nozzles

Conductance is controlled directly on the unit (installed measuring equipment) or with remote location meter.

Bestellinformation: Supplied with conductivity meter, mounting brackets and available with shutoff valve.

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