HPTLC Plates, Nano Silica Gel 60, Modified Layers, Nano-SIL NH₂

818182 811109 811111 811112
552-0322EA 213 EUR
552-0322 552-0253 552-0254 552-0255
HPTLC Plates, Nano Silica Gel 60, Modified Layers, Nano-SIL NH₂
Amino-modified HPTLC silica layers are available as glass plates or ALUGRAM® aluminium sheets. They are ideal for the separation of vitamins, sugars, steroids, purine derivatives, xanthines, phenols, nucleotides, and pesticides.

  • Layer can be wetted equally well by pure water as by organic solvents

Base material: Nano silica 60: Specific surface (BET) ~ 500 m²/g; specific pore volume 0,75 ml/g; particle size 2 to 10 μm; pH stability 2 to 8.

Modification: Aminopropyl, carbon content 3,5%

Indicator: Acid-resistant product with a pale blue fluorescence for short-wave UV (254 nm), and UV-absorbing substances appear as dark-blue to black spots on a light-blue background.

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