Filter plates, Captiva NDLipids

Lieferant: VARIAN
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VARIA59640002I VARIA59640002RK VARIA59640002SK
Filter plates, Captiva NDLipids
Mikrotiterplatten Mikrofiltrationsplatten
Capitiva NDLipids is as simple and easy-to-use as a standard protein precipitation plate. The non drip (ND) 96-well filtration plate is specially designed to effectively remove phospholipids from biofluids. Captiva NDLipidsremoves lipids, proteins, surfactants and other matrix interferences from plasma extracts. Ion suppression is significantly reduced for enhanced sensitivity and precision during trace analysis. The depletion of lipid
compounds also gives you better peak shapes and reproducible retention times so that standard operating procedures are easily validated. In addition, the fast, in-well precipitation technology of Captiva NDLipids ensures high sample throughput and helps reduce instrument downtime, with virtually no need for method development on a wide range of analytes.

  • More precise and reproducible quantitation with removal of phospholipids and proteins
  • Increased productivity due to extended column lifetimes and cleaner MS ion sources
  • Simple 3-step procedure
  • Available with 0,2 μm pore size only, to optimise lipid removal; methanol recommended

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