E.Z.N.A.® Mollusc & Insect DNA Kit

Lieferant: OMEGA BIO-TEK

D3373-00 D3373-01 D3373-02
D3373-00EA 31 EUR
D3373-00 D3373-01 D3373-02
E.Z.N.A.® Mollusc & Insect DNA Kit
Nukleinsäure-Reagenzien Reinigungskits und Reagenzien für Nukleinsäure

Isolate DNA from molluscs and insects using spin columns.

  • DNA isolation under 20 minutes following lysis
  • Optimised buffer system guarantee pure DNA
  • Purified DNA suitable for any application
  • Isolate DNA from a wide range of samples

The E.Z.N.A.® Mollusc & Insect DNA Kit is designed for efficient recovery of genomic DNA from molluscs, insects, arthropods, roundworms, flatworms, and other invertebrate tissue samples rich in mucopolysaccharides. This kit can also be used with formalin preserved material or invertebrates frozen or preserved in alcohol or DNE solution.

The procedure relies on the well established properties of the cationic detergent, cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), in conjunction with the selective DNA binding technology of Omega Bio-tek’s HiBind® matrix. Samples are homogenized and lysed in a high salt buffer containing CTAB and extracted with chloroform to remove mucopolysaccharides. Following a rapid alcohol precipitation step, DNA is bound to the HiBind® DNA Mini Column upon adjustment of binding conditions and further purified through multiple wash steps. In this way, salts, proteins and other contaminants are removed to yield high-quality genomic DNA suitable for downstream applications such as endonuclease digestion, thermal cycle amplification, and hybridization techniques.


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