Jack bean Concanavalin A (from seeds), MP Biomedicals

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals

02150710.1 02150710.2 0215071001
ICNA02150710.1EA 108 EUR
ICNA02150710.1 ICNA02150710.2 ICNA0215071001
Jack bean Concanavalin A (from seeds), MP Biomedicals
Proteine und Peptide

Pure Canavalia ensiformis lectin (Con A) from Jackbean. Isolated by affinity chromatography on cross-linked dextran. It exists as a dimer below pH 5,0 and and at pH >7 it exists as a tetramer. It is a metalloprotein and requires a transition metal ion, such as manganese, plus calcium ions for binding.

  • Carbohydrate specificity: a-Mannose, a-Glucose, branched Mannose
  • Inhibitory Carbohydrate: Methyl-a-D-Mannopyranoside >> a-D-Mannose >> a-D-Glucose
  • Isoelectric point (pI): 4,5, 4,7, 5,0 - 5,1, and 5,4 - 5,5
  • Extinction Coefficient (E1%)280nm = 11,4 (0,1 M NaCl)(Lit.)
  • Can be reconstituted with buffer to a final concentration of 1 mg/ml

Soluble in water (10 mg/ mL-slightly hazy, colorless solution). More than 10 ug/ml may be required to give visible agglutination of neuraminidase treated human erythrocytes.

Lectin are used in a wide variety of applications in vitro such as blood grouping and erythrocyte polyagglutination studies, mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes, lymphocyte subpopulation studies, fractionation of cells and other particles, histochemical studies of normal and pathological conditions. It has been used to elucidate structural changes in the membrane surface of transformed cells. It conjugates of antitumor drugs have been used in drug delivery systems in cultured cells.


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