Streptavidin agarose, high capacity, Pierce™

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific

20357 20359 20361
PIER20357EA 437 EUR
PIER20357 PIER20359 PIER20361
Streptavidin agarose, high capacity, Pierce™
Protein-Aufbereitungs Protein Purification Resins

Pierce™ High capacity streptavidin agarose consists of purified recombinant streptavidin that has been covalently immobilised at a high density onto high-quality crosslinked 6% beaded agarose.

  • Purified recombinant streptavidin protein (53 kDa, near-neutral pI); tetrameric with four biotin-binding site per molecule
  • Support is crosslinked 6% beaded agarose (CL-6B), the most popular resin for protein affinity purification methods
  • Streptavidin is immobilised by charge-free, leach-resistant covalent bonds, resulting in low non specific binding and enabling multiple uses without decline in yield
  • High capacity beads have a dense load of immobilised streptavidin, providing a binding capacity greater than 10 mg of biotinylated BSA per ml of resin


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