Kinase enrichment kits, Pierce™

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific

88310 88312
PIER88310EA 890 EUR
PIER88310 PIER88312
Kinase enrichment kits, Pierce™
Tests Enzymtests

The Pierce™ Kinase Enrichment Kits utilise an ActivX™ ATP or ADP probe to covalently label the active site of ATPases, including chaperones and metabolic enzymes, to enable their selective enrichment using a desthiobiotin tag.

  • Labels only the conserved active-site lysines of nucleotide-binding proteins
  • Flexible use for in vitro labeling of ATPase enzymes derived from cells or tissues
  • Compatible with use with Western blot or mass spectrometry (MS) workflows

ActivX™ probes feature an amine-reactive nucleotide analog and a desthiobiotin (biotin analogue) tag that facilitates selective labeling of lysines in the kinase active site and then subsequent enrichment and recovery of labelled protein.


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