5-Bromo-2′-deoxycytidine hydrate, weißes Pulver

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals

0210016680 0210016683 0210016690 0210016691
ICNA0210016680EA 65.5 EUR
ICNA0210016680 ICNA0210016683 ICNA0210016690 ICNA0210016691
5-Bromo-2′-deoxycytidine hydrate, weißes Pulver
5-Bromo-2′-deoxycytidine hydrate

5-Bromo-2'-deoxycytidine can be incorporated into DNA in the presence of DNA polymerase, replacing dCTP.

Soluble in water, NH₄OH (50 mg /ml).

Formel: C₉H₁₂BrN₃O₄·×H₂O
Molecular Weight: 306.116 g/mol (anhy)
Lagertemperatur: Gefrierschrank
CAS-Nummer: 1022-79-3


Spezifikation Testergebnisse

Identity Test Passes
FTIR Conforms to Standard
UV/VIS: λmax (water) 286 - 289 nm
Moisture Report Result

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