D-Glucose-6-phosphate disodium salt hydrate ≥98%

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals

02100312.5 0210031205 0210031225
ICNA02100312.5EA 45 EUR
ICNA02100312.5 ICNA0210031205 ICNA0210031225
D-Glucose-6-phosphate disodium salt hydrate ≥98%
D-Glucose-6-phosphate disodium salt hydrate

Glucose 6-phosphate (also known as Robison ester) is glucose sugar phosphorylated on carbon 6.

This compound is very common in cells as the vast majority of glucose entering a cell will become phosphorylated in this way. Because of its prominent position in cellular chemistry, glucose 6-phosphate has many possible fates within the cell.

Glucose 6-phosphate lies at the start of two major metabolic pathways: Glycolysis And Pentose phosphate pathway. In addition to these metabolic pathways, glucose 6-phosphate may also be converted to glycogen or starch for storage. This storage is in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen for most multicellular animals, and in intracellular starch or glycogen granules for most other organisms.

Contains usually 2-4 H₂O/mole

Soluble in distilled water or dilute buffer.

Formel: C₆H₁₁Na₂O₉P.2/4H₂O
Molecular Weight: 304.098 g/mol (anhy)
Lagertemperatur: Gefrierschrank
MDL: MFCD00136037
CAS-Nummer: 3671-99-6


Spezifikation Testergebnisse

Identity Test Passes
Purity ≥98%
FTIR Conforms to Standard
Optical Rotation +30° to +38° (c=1, water)
pH 7 - 9 (1% aq soln)

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