Human dermal blood endothelial cells (HDBEC)

Lieferant: PROMOCELL

C-14019 C-14018
C-14019EA 294 EUR
C-14019 C-14018
Human dermal blood endothelial cells (HDBEC)

Primary Human Dermal Blood Endothelial Cells (HDBEC) are a subpopulation of the Human Dermal Endothelial Cells. They are isolated from the dermis of juvenile foreskin and adult skin (different locations) from a single donor.

The cells are routinely analysed by flow cytometric analysis and immunofluorescent staining: they are >95% CD31 positive and stain positive for von Willebrand factor. In addition, they are >90% negative for podoplanin and stain negative for smooth muscle specific alpha-actin.

Blood Endothelial Cells have a key function in physiological processes like vessel tonus, capillary permeability, blood coagulation, fibrolysis, and angiogenesis. They are also useful for disease studies of atherosclerosis, tumour genesis, and thrombosis.

Bestellinformation: Human Dermal Blood Endothelial Cells can be ordered as cryopreserved or proliferating cells. Cell pellets stored in RNAlater® are also available.


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