The ECM 399 system is an economical electroporation system for gram negative bacteria and yeast applications. Ideal for basic transformation in research and academic labs.
- Highest transformation efficiencies of basic bacteria and yeast strains
- Easy to operate
- Cost effective
- Compact in size and portable
- Available as complete system with cuvettes and cuvette rack
- Internal self test upon start-up
The system is an exponential decay wave electroporaton generator specifically designed to deliver the field strengths and pulse lengths required for the simple transformation of bacteria and yeast cells. In low voltage mode, the system has a limited capability for transfecting some mammalian cell lines. Cooling occurs by convection through metal case.
The operating temperature ranges from 10 to 40 °C. It has a single rotary knob with push button toggle to set parameters and also has on and off switches.
Lieferumfang: Complete system includes ECM 399 generator, PEP, cuvettes 1, 2 and 4 mm, pkg. of 30 (10 each) and cuvette rack 660.
Bitte beachten The ECM 399 is intended for research use only and not for use in diagnostic, pre-clinical, or clinical procedures.