Super-DHB ≥99,0% Matrixsubstanz für MALDI, Supelco®
Lieferant: Merck
M-Clarity™ Qualitätsstufe = MQ100
The “super-DHB” matrix consists of a 9:1 (w/w) mixture of 2,5-DHB and 2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzoic acid, respectively, since this ratio was found to be the most effective.
The beneficial effect of the 2-hydroxy- 5-methoxybenzoic acid additive is attributed to a disorder in the 2,5-DHB crystal lattice resulting in enhanced ion desorption (i.e. ‘softer’ desorption) and reduced internal energy, which in turn results in reduced metastable fragmentation. An increase in sensitivity of up to 2 to 3-fold has been reported for a standard dextran mixture with concomitant enhanced resolution attributed to reduced metastable ion formation. The super-DHB matrix has also been reported to generate enhanced signals from tryptic glycopeptides. The use of super-DHB matrix is reported to reduce the presence of matrix background ions and result in glycan signals exhibiting better signal to noise ratios and higher resolution in the mass spectrum.
63542-76-7 |
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