Labels for BBP33 printers, type B-427

Lieferant: Brady
142952 142994 142996 143008 142870 142871 142882 143092 143093 143094 143095 143096 143097 143098 143099 143101 143102 143042 143045 143091 361690 133841 133842 133977 361650 361657 361692 133780 152852
BRDY142952EA 168.03 EUR
BRDY142952 BRDY142994 BRDY142996 BRDY143008 BRDY142870 BRDY142871 BRDY142882 BRDY143092 BRDY143093 BRDY143094 BRDY143095 BRDY143096 BRDY143097 BRDY143098 BRDY143099 BRDY143101 BRDY143102 BRDY143042 BRDY143045 BRDY143091 BRDY361690 BRDY133841 BRDY133842 BRDY133977 BRDY361650 BRDY361657 BRDY361692 BRDY133780 BRDY152852
Labels for BBP33 printers, type B-427
Self-laminating wire and cable labels features white printable area with clear 'tail' that wraps around marker to protect text.

  • Superior resistance to abrasion, handling, solvents, water, oil and dirt
  • Vinyl with permanent acrylic adhesive designed specifically for tightly curved surfaces

Service temperature of –40 to 70 °C

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