NF-κB Inhibitor (SN50)

Lieferant: Cayman Chemical

17493-1 17493-5 17493-500
CAYM17493-1EA 170 EUR
CAYM17493-1 CAYM17493-5 CAYM17493-500
NF-κB Inhibitor (SN50)
Proteine und Peptide

A synthetic peptide corresponding to the nuclear localisation sequence of NF-κB p105 subunit (also known as p50) appended to a hydrophobic sequence to facilitate import into living cells; blocks the nuclear import of p105 in cells treated with activators of NF-κB signaling, including LPS and TNF-α.

  • A cell-permeable peptide that blocks nuclear import of NF-κB

Stability: ≥2 years


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