dsDNA Kit

Lieferant: EKSIGENT
477410 477414
EKSI477410EA 0 EUR
EKSI477410 EKSI477414
dsDNA Kit
Elektrophorese-Systeme Kapillarelektrophorese-Systeme
he dsDNA 1000 Kit is designed for use on the PA 800 Plus and contains the supplies necessary to perform a high-performance separation and analysis of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) fragments.

A linear relationship between migration time and number of base pairs can be obtained from dsDNA fragments in the range of 100 to 1000 base pairs. In addition, this kit can be used for analysis of dsDNA fragments with sizes up to 15000 base pairs through dilution of the gel.

This kit is compatible with both uv and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection. It is not compatible with PDA detection. For LIF applications, dsDNA 1,000 LIF EnhanCE intercalating dye is recommended and sold separately.

Lieferumfang: This kit provides reagent volumes for analysis of 100 samples and includes: DNA capillary, 100 µm ID 65 cm, 2 units, dsDNA 1000 gel buffer, 3 units, dsDNA 1000, test mix, 2 vials × 10 µl and orange G reference marker, 1 ml DNA.

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