xGen™ ssDNA and Low-Input DNA Library Prep Kit


10009817 10009859
IDNA10009817EA 5310 EUR
IDNA10009817 IDNA10009859
xGen™ ssDNA and Low-Input DNA Library Prep Kit
Nukleinsäure-Reagenzien Next Generation Sequencing Reagenzien

The xGen ssDNA and low-input DNA library prep kit enables preparation of libraries from degraded and damaged ssDNA and dsDNA samples in a single reaction. This kit allows users to sequence difficult-to-process samples via unique, proprietary adaptaseTM technology.

  • Low input, high complexity - inputs as low as 10 pg from highly degraded samples
  • Compatible with ssDNA and dsDNA samples - preserves input fragmentation patterns for precise mapping of DNA insert ends
  • Simple two-hour protocol
  • Workflow design for easy automation

Library prep kit for ssDNA (heavily damaged) or mixtures of ss and dsDNA (viromes/metagenomes) from 10 pg to 250 ng. Adaptase™-based chemistry for library prep of single stranded DNA, includes amplification polymerase.

Minimise sequence bias from PCR with high-fidelity PCR polymerase. Unique chemistry adapts short DNA fragments ≥40 bp long. Multiplex up to 1536 samples - pre-plated UDI primers enable multiplexing of up to 1536 samples. Compatible with xGen normalase™ technology - enzymatic normalisation of libraries from a single pool of libraries.

Lieferumfang: Indexing primers also supplied separately.


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